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Study in Germany

Studienkolleg is a prep school for foreign students to be able to apply for universities in Germany. It’s purpose is to make sure that every foreign student is fluent enough in German which is a requirement to be participating in an undergraduate program.

Studienkolleg lasts for 2 semesters with only 1 semester of chance for repeating lessons.

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Steps to German universities through studienkolleg.

  1. German language proficiency certificate level B1 or B2

  2. Translate important documents such as diplomas and report cards. Documents must be translated by a sworn translator.

  3. Look and apply for Studienkolleg college that are available in Germany or Indonesia. Major available in Indonesia are M-kurs, T-kurs, and W-kurs only.

  4. If your scores are eligible enough to participate in the entry exam/Aufnahmeprüfung , then you will receive a letter called Zulassung, but you got to apply for various Studienkolleg colleges to be able to receive Zulassung.

  5. Apply for visa in German Embassy

  6. Take the entry exam/Aufnahmeprüfung in Studienkolleg which you have applied for. After passing the entry exam, you will participate in Studienkolleg for 2 semesters.

  7. After completing Studienkolleg, take Feststellungsprüfung to enroll for an undergraduate program in German Universities.

  8. You will receive a Zulassung letter once you are accepted in those Universities.

Schedule and cost for Studienkolleg Indonesia

Every year Studienkolleg Indonesia opens 2 preparation classes, from February until   December and from July/August until March/April.

For participants who are not  able to speak German yet, are able to take a pre semester class (German and Math course) depending on their needs.


Requirements to enrol for university in Germany.

  1. Qualification for university admission

    1. You will need a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung or acceptance qualification letter, much like a high school diploma.

  2. German proficiency

    1. You are required to have a B1 or B2 German proficiency certificate before entering immigration.

  3. Visa and Residence Permit

    1. Foreign Students must have a National visa that last depends on their duration of their study.

    2. Required documents:

  • Valid passport

  • Financial statement

  • Insurance coverage confirmation

  • Registration confirmation

  • Acceptance confirmation

Students visa will cost you for 75 EUR

  1. Health Insurance

  2. Aptitude Test

You can find out which major is suitable for you by doing TestAS (TEst for Foreign  Students).

The test consist of 3 parts: 

  • OnScreen language test

  • The core test

  • Subject-specific test modules

Example questions of entrance exam





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