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What is Inburgeringsexamen?

This test is generally used to test Dutch knowledge and Dutch social life for immigrants. This test is administered by Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs or DUO


Lezing (Reading)

Can read short and simple texts and find information or main points in the text, including an advertisement, prospectus, menu, and schedule.

There are 30 questions along with photos where you must succeed in answering at least 21 questions correctly to pass with a score of 70

1. Kennis van de Nederlandse Samenleving (Dutch Social Knowledge)

Schrijven (Writing)
Write notes and short messages simply


Spreken (Speaking)

Can describe simply your background, family, and living conditions)

Luisteren (Listening)

Can understand the main points in a short and clear message and statement.

2. Toets Gesproken Nederlands (Speaking Ability Test)

It has 36 questions which are divided into 5 parts, such as:

-Repeat Sentence
-Looking for Antonyms
-Repeat Story
-Answer the question

The minimum score to pass this test is 26 with a maximum of 80.

You will be tested on all four skills at level A2 unless you have been in the Netherlands longer then you only need to test your skills at level A1.

There are 3 parts of the Inburgering Exam Test, if you don't pass one of them then you have to repeat all of them.

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3. Geletterdheid en Begrijpend Lezen (Dutch Reading and Comprehension Test)

-Reads 8 words in 4 lines
-Answer the question
-Fill in 28 sentences with correct sentences from 3 different choices
-Read 2 stories and 1 handwritten text
-Read 8 short and long sentences


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