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1. Global Korea Scholarship

Given by the Korean Government

Given to 220 students (undergraduate), 1080 students (graduate)


  • Travel expenses 

  • Resettlement allowance (200,000 KRW)

  • Living cost (900,000 - 1,000,000 KRW)

  • Medical Insurance

  • Korean Language Education Program (1 year) + test fees for Korean Language proficiency

  • Tuition Fees




  • Not a Citizen of Republic of Korea

  • Mampu secara kesehatan jasmani dan rohani untuk tinggal di luar negeri

  • Must have completed 12 years of formal education  (SD, SMP,SMA) with average score of at least 80 from the last school attended 

  • Below 25 years old when applying


  • Must be below 40 years old when applying

  • Must have completed bachelor's degree


2. Korean Government Scholarship Program 

Universities: Seoul National University, Yonsei University, etc.

Given by: korean government 

  Awarded to: 20-40 international students 


  • Tuition fee for 8 semester

  • Living cost

  • Round-trip economy class airplane ticket

  • Korean language class for a year 

  • Health insurance

  • Rettlement

  • Returning expenses

Application: September


Selection procedures:

1. Submit your application to the south korean embassy in indonesia  

2. The embassy will do the first screening process 

3. National Institute for International Education will do the final screening process



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3. Korea University (Entering Students)

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  •  Students with outstanding grades during document screening 

          or from designated countries



  • Tuition

    • scholarship A: tuition fee for 8 semesters

    • scholarship B: 50% tuition fee for 8 Semesters



  • meet the GPA and English proficiency criteria in accordance to Korea University's standard


Selection period:

  • January (1st semester) 

  • July (2nd semester)

4. Kyung Hee University

Admission scholarship coverage:

A : 1st semester tuition

B : 1st semester tuition

C: 1st semester 50% tuition

D : 1st semester tuition (Seoul campus)

E : 1st semester tuition (Global campus)

F : 1st semester tuition (Global campus)

G : Full tuition 4 years (Global campus)

*with requirements apply



  • Non Citizen of Republic of Korea

  • Must be accepted at Kyung Hee University


Supporting Documents:

  • Passport

  • 2 Color photograph

  • Letter of Recommendations

  • Academic transcript (high school records)

  • Language Requirement:  IELTS 5.5/ TOEFL IBT 71


5. Art Major Asian (AMA) Scholarship of ART in Korean University of Arts

Given by: Republic of Korea Ministry of Culture, Sports, & Tourism


• Duration: 4 years

• Field in Arts (music, dance, fine arts, film, drama, traditional arts)


  1. Economy class airplane ticket for entrance and graduation

  2. Monthly allowance of 800.000KRW

  3. 4-month intensive language training before entrance

  4. Tuition fee (regular semesters only)

  5. Health insurance

• Application dates: May - June



  1. Posses citizenship of OECD DAC recipient countries

  2. Completed secondary education or bachelor degree program

  3. Meet Korean proficiency level that each department sets

  4. Meet required skills and talents through required portfolios



6. Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) University Scholarship


What is Korea Science Academy of KAIST?

The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) is South Korea's highest academy of science and serves as an integrated think-tank for the country's science and technology. To every student that interest in math and science are suitable to apply for this scholarship.


Application Calendar for the Scholarship

This scholarship commonly open in January and close in March. This scholarship also opens annually, so don’t forget to check through their website: link 



  • Educational Expenses

  1. Tuition Fees

  2. Overseas Training Programs

  3. Creative Research Activity Program including R&E

  4. Leadership Activity Programs

  5. High-school Research Program at KAIST

  • Other Expenses

  1. Room and Board

  2. Exeat Programs
    (eg. Korean Culture Experiences, once a month)

  3. Special Holiday Programs (Twice a year)

  4. Pre-enrollment Programs

  5. International Academic Exchange Programs

  6. International Science Fair Participation Fee

  7. Other expenses are supportable according to school policy


※ E, F will be provided for selected students according to school policy.

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