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Program AFS Study Abroad

American Field Service (AFS)​

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  • The minimum overall report card score is B and meets the average score

  • Indonesian citizens

  • 10th or 11th grade students of SMA/SMK/MA

  • Be active and excel in academic and non-academic fields




Program Duration: ​

3 Months

1 Semester

1 Year

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The Selection Process!

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General Knowledge:
Learn everything about your desired country. Starts with trending news, the presidents/leaders, and the history.

English Language:

Maximize your knowledge of English, especially in Vocabulary!

Essay in Bahasa:

Pick the most suitable topic for you, then make an interesting topic and opening!


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The second step is an interview. Specifically, interview about your personality in English. Answer all the questions in English and show your interest in talking in English. For personality interview, it will be conducted with Bahasa! They might be asking about your life and how you solve some issues. 


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Group Dynamics Selection. You will be divided into a few groups, around five people. Applicants will be asked to communicate and find a solution to some issues to be presented. This section is similar to FGD or Focused Group Discussion. 


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After the third stage, you will continue with the selection of national administrative files. Now, the files you collect when registering (reports and so on) will compete with files belonging to other participants to choose who can pass and leave for the destination country.

Additional Documents:

Enter all report cards above into the form provided manually (AFS Application Form) along with the testimony of a teacher in high school. Every document is translated into English.

Fill out various other AFS forms, such as the AFS Program Agreement by parent/guardian and the Family Promises Payment Agreement accompanied by stamps.

Attach a health statement from the hospital by filling out the AFS Health Certificate form, which is signed by the person in charge of the hospital/ official.

*The candidate must be declared free of rubella, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), measles and must have undergone the Mantoux tuberculin test (TB-Test), a test performed to see if he has ever been exposed to tuberculosis (TB).

National Administrative Files

What is your desired countries?

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  • German

  • Hungary

  • Italy

  • France

  • Finland

  • Denmark

  • Republic of

  • Belgium French


  • Belgium Flanders

  • Poland

  • Norway

  • Netherlands

  • Turkey

  • Spain

  • Slovakia

  • Russia


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  • Argentina

  • Brazil

  • Mexico

  • United States

America Latin

North America

With RP100.000, applicants can pick their dream countries for various periods. You can choose more than 1 out of 40 countries that have already provided a period of 3 months or trimester and one year according to your desired countries. 

Besides, applicants must pay the PIN and prepare a budget to fulfill life expenses and other necessities. Applicants could prepare a budget of around 100 billion; however, it depends on the applicants and their parents. If you need support funds, you can apply for a sponsor!

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